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WORKSHOP MAZEDIA, with the botanical garden of the Grand Nancy and the University of Lorraine

WEDNESDAY 29TH JANUARY - 17h00 - 17h45 - Workshop room Augmented reality, technologies, uses, where are-we ?  Augmented reality is now an important component of cultural and heritage mediation. But where are we exactly? what are the good practices popular with vicitors ? What technologies are available? With the presence of experts from Mazedia and Wikitude, one of the world leaders in augmented reality, Mazedia's partner, we will answer your questions and imagine together original projects that will enhance new discoveries Subjects broached : - What is augmented reality? - The different forms of augmented reality - Collective for a group, individual on a web app, innovative for applications. - Illustrated best practices - Exchanges on your questions about user experience, editorial benefit and technologies SPEAKERS : 
  • Vincent ROIRAND, CEO of Mazedia
  • Paula PERRICHOT, Wikitude Gmbh (Autriche)