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Economic development of the Arles region; a promotional strategy for cultural and creative industries

Wednesday, January 23rd: 05:00-05:45 p.m., Austerlitz room
Economic development of the Arles region; a promotional strategy for cultural and creative industries
This seminar will present the development policy for the creative, cultural and heritage economy sectors of the Arles Crau Camargue Montagnette integrated local authority.
The strategy is based upon two primary objectives: employment and Arles, area of excellence.
To this end, three lines of work are to be implemented:
- Creation of synergies and partnerships by means of a network (culture & heritage hub).
- Encouragement of local training centres and schools to promote business creation.
- Establishment of companies from outside the area in the dedicated locations that currently exist in the region and on sites for future projects: focus on the Papeteries Etienne site, with the marketing of 16,000 m² dedicated to the cultural and creative industries.