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Naturalia, musical instruments, watchmaking items, human remains and numismatic collections: discovering rare or little-known fields of specialisation in conservation and restoration

01/24/2019 10:00 AM

Thursday, January 24th: 10:00-11:00 a.m., Arcole room

Naturalia, musical instruments, watchmaking items, human remains and numismatic collections: discovering rare or little-known fields of specialisation in conservation and restoration


Conservation and restoration comprises many specialist fields, often established according to the nature of cultural objects (painting, sculpture, furniture, etc.), or the material types of which they are made (wood, metal, etc.).

Level I degree courses organise some of their training on the basis of these specialisms, but above all they teach a methodology and deontology that are common to all.

Thus, before, during or after graduating in the conservation and restoration of cultural objects, some professionals choose to specialise in less widespread, less known or very specific fields.

Through this seminar and the contribution of five professionals, the FFCR (French Federation of Conservation and Restoration Professionals) wishes to offer the SITEM audience the opportunity to discover these specialisms.

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